Monday 22

Rigid Heddle study Group isn meeting at the DFA Studio from 1 – 4 pm. Kathy Myers, kb******@gm***.com

Tuesday 23

Great Wheels will meet at the Richland Library from 6:30 – 8:30. Earlene Mokler, em*****@ho*****.com

Wednesday 24

Band Weaving will meet at DFA Studio from 5 – 7 pm. Jane Campbell ja*******@gm***.com

Thursday 25

Felting study group will meet at the DFA Studio from 1-3 pm. Leslie Wiberg id*******@ho*****.com

Handworks Zoom from 7 – 8:30 pm. Jane Campbell ja*******@gm***.com

Sticks and Hooks will meet at DFA Studio from 10 -12 noon. Sue DeMerchant os*****@ya***.com

Friday 26

No Study Groups Meeting this day.

For more information about what is happening in the Study Groups Scroll down.

Band Weaving

On May 17, the Band Weaving Study Group helped finish putting together kits for the warp weighted tablet weaving class at Sagefen Maker Fest. On Saturday, 5/13, Forrest Stevens led the class in making a warp weighted loom, to his design. We can’t say enough thanks to Bill Watson for working on cutting out, sanding, drilling, finding the hardware and all the many tasks it took to put together the loom kits for the BWSG and for SFMF.

The SFMF loom makers were ecstatic to be there and it was one of the first classes to fill up. In the 2-hour learn to weave class, Jane Campbell led the class in getting their looms set up, warped and they began weaving. Isabella Silvan donated kitchen cotton yarn to weave and warp with. It worked out well for a beginning class and we taught them to make a 6 card band from the Mullarkey book. Kim Simmons and Forrest help the students keep on track. I am sure we will be asked to do

this again next year. The example pictured belongs to Niel Kierkuff.

May 24th the BWSG meets at the studio from 5-7pm. We look forward to seeing new members from the Sagefen class, if not at this meeting, at a future meeting. They were very interested in the possibilities that DFA presents. We will be continuing to talk about weaving on the warp weighted looms, lessons we have learned, hints to share and questions to get answers for, and what ournext projects will be.

Handcrafting Zoom Study Group

The Handcrafting Zoom Study Group will meet on 5/25, 7-8:30pm. We are picking up new members from Sagefen Maker Fest and our demonstrations at Radcon and look forward to seeing them on Zoom. We will be
talking about the Doggie TLC package that we will be donating to the Richland library for their summer adult reading program raffle. There will be a crocheted dog sweater, carrier for waste bags, a tablet woven collar, and a crocheted and felted bed.


The felting study group continues to meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday and one Saturday of every month. In the month of May that will be Thursday the 11th and 25th. I will post pictures from Thursday the 27th in the next newsletter.

We have been working on wet-felting and needle felting skills, which will continue through the summer. We will begin nuno-felting in September.

If someone would like to come and simply visit, we’d love to have you. As always, work at your own pace and on whichever project you like.

Rigid Heddle

The Rigid Heddle Study Group will meet on Monday May 22 at 1:00 at the studio in Kennewick. Don’t forget to bring your projects for show and tell.

Sticks and Hooks

Sticks and Hooks will meet Thursday May 25 th at the studio from 10 am to 12.
We are starting a knit-a-long for those that are interested with a pattern by Elsebeth Judith called Sommerknus. We are also busy working on the squares for the Afghan.Everyone is welcome to come join us and work on their projects.

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