Tapestry Workshop
In May the Tapestry hosted Kathe Todd-Hooker for a two day workshop. Patti Kirch was her  gracious host for the weekend.

During our workshop Kathe talked about the history of tapestry while demonstrating the different techniques that are used in creating the beautiful pieces of art. Kathe also brought yarns, books, and tools that we could use during our workshop. 8 of us met for 8 to 9 hours each day ready to listen and learn about soumak, twining, lacing and the use of bobbins and about different bundles. We also learned what colors would make items look closer or how to make items look further away.

One student Diane Hall stated she learned that you must really plan out your project ahead of time so that you know ahead of time which techniques, which colors and when and where you will use hacheres and where to use lacing.

Kathe enjoyed being here and the new tables looked great and were the right size for our event.

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