Information on Ophir’s visit and workshop September 8th and 9th

Remember to bring your mask!

September 8th at 4:00pm at Marion’s House

Show, share, & snack. All members are invited. Please bring anything related to the concept design: materials, techniques, samples, etc.

September 9th at 9:00 am at the DFA Studio

DFA Study: Natural landscape. All members are invites. Bring natural fibers leftovers (raw, plant/animal, etc.) and your suggested tools and techniques to experiment with. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing for ‘intuition awakening activity’- we will be working from the body and the heart.

September 9th, 11:30pm, TBD

Lunch All, All members are invited , Bring a lunch or bring in take out

September 9th, 12:30pm DFA Studio

DFA Study: Manmade landscape. All members are invited. Bring man-made waste material (plastic bags, electric wire, etc.) and your suggested tools and techniques to experiment with. Bring laptops, books, notebooks for ‘mindfulness awakening activity’ – we will be working from our minds.

  1. For the ‘show & share’ on the 8th please bring any materials, samples of techniques, imagery or anything else that can help you represent, or help us collectively generate, IDEAS for any of the sculpture parts. I will open this meeting
    with recapping my last presentation, and will have a few guidelines for the show & share so we can make the best of our time.
  2. For our ‘study’ on the 9th we will have two sessions (morning and afternoon), in each we will start with a half an hour activity I will lead, and then we will work in small groups or individually to produce samples of our ideas for the different parts of the sculpture. I’d like us to focus on experimentation with as many materials and techniques as we can get our hands on- craft explosion! So please have the loom wrapped and any tools you find relevant for such experimentation. Please remember that you all have much more knowledge and experience in the crafts you champion, so I trust you all that know what we might need with us there.
  3. Please contact Marion if you plan on attending

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