The Jane Stafford Group meeting on Tuesday , the 26th has been cancelled due to weather conditions. The rigid heddle group has also cancelled their Monday the 25th get together. Will advise when rescheduled on both accounts.

Summary: Stafford Weaving Study Group again postponed. We’re pushing it forward to Tuesday March 5. If there’s still too much snow on roads where Carol Kaminsky lives, hopefully we can meet at the DFA studio. We’ll confirm the location next weekend. Still from 1-3pm.

I’m so thankful for a loom and a yarn stash to stay positive this month! And for Jane’s great instruction.

The mini-lesson for Lesson 2, whenever we finally meet, will be calculating a Crammed & Dented project with yarns that are different from Jane’s recipe. Bring the yarns you want to use and we’ll walk through the calculations together.
please bring:
2 yarns from your stash that you’d like to use in a crammed & dented project. If you’ve already woven something, bring different yarns. A yard or so of each is enough since we’ll be wrapping only an inch or two.

  • 1 short ruler to wrap yarns around
  • A sett chart; you can find one online or we can share.
  • A calculator; the one on your phone is fine
  • Pen & paper for your calculations


Jane Stafford’s Lesson 3 is “Plain Weave Log Cabin Blocks.” If you’re rooting through your stash, keep an eye open for those yarns also. Release date = March 14.

Some have asked about weaving programs.

“For anyone not currently using weaving software, but are interested in seeing the potential, a free demo version of PCW Fiberworks may be downloaded from the website below. It comes in formats for both PC and Mac computers. The demo version contains all of the features of a paid version; however, Print, Save, and Copy functions have been disabled.”  from Robyn Spady, Heddlecraft, Nov-Dec, 2018, p, 12

[Heddlecraft is a great way to learn more about weave structures to “overlay” onto Jane Stafford’s design principles. It’s a digital magazine with 10-20 wif (weaving information file) files in each issue. $20/year; ]

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