In its ongoing commitment to making it more profitable to raise heritage breeds,

The Livestock Conservancy created the Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em Initiative. It’s a program that will recognize fiber artists for using wool from breeds on their Conservation Priority List while connecting shepherds of heritage breeds with customers.

The Livestock Conservancy has long said that the way to save endangered breeds of livestock is to give them a job. In the case of wool sheep, we need to start using their wool again. Because of marketing challenges, some shepherds discard or compost the wool after their annual shearing rather than cleaning it and selling it. In addition to encouraging fiber artists to try using rare wools, the program also educates shepherds about how to prepare their wool for sale and how to reach customers and fiber artists, thereby making it more profitable to raise heritage breeds.

How does it work? Fiber Artists buy wool from rare breed Fiber Providers and get a “stamp” in their “passport.” They earn items for completing projects. They share pictures of their projects on Facebook and Ravelry. The more breeds they use, the more “stamps” they collect, the more items they earn, the more wool the providers sell.

How will Fiber Artists find Fiber Providers? Through the Conservancy’s online breeders and products

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