July 7-29, in conjunction with the Tour de France.

An enthusiastic explanation from Evanita at http://fiberygoodness.com/2018/06/tour-de-fleece-2018/

“For anyone who may not be aware of this event it’s a super fun one that takes place online mostly on Ravelry and in some Facebook groups as well as offline through spinning guilds and groups of friends. This event was named after Tour de France an annual multiple stage bicycle event help in France over the course of three weeks in July. This year it starts on July 7th and will run until July 29th. The concept of the event is to challenge yourself, spin, and of course have fun!

For this event everyone sets up challenges for themselves, goals they would like to obtain whether it’s something as simple as finishing some outstanding projects, spinning a new project, spinning 10 minutes a day or even tackling more difficult challenges such as spinning sweater quantities or learning new techniques. Each day that you spin you share your progress with your teams.

“During the event you spin daily or as often as you can. Each day you share the progress you have made by sharing photos with your teams. This is my absolute favorite part of this event, being able to see how everyone progresses along on their projects. It’s so inspiring seeing a project from start to finish, cheering them along as they progress. Everyone is so supportive of each other and looking forward to seeing the finished yarns at the end.”

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