World Wide Knit in Public Day

When: Jun 9, 2018 9:30am to 2:00pm at the Richland Library in the Lobby on the big comfy couch.

  • Sheep’s Clothing is again sponsoring a Knit in Public Passport event in the Tri-Cities all day.
  • There will be prizes, games, free classes/lessons/demonstrations.
  • Get passports stamped at each station when you KNIT OR CROCHET for 15 min in that public location. Passports will be free.
  • You do not have to get every stamp to win prizes, you get an entry for each stamp.
  • For those who do get all stamps, there is a separate drawing for the grand prize.

Last year, because we have such wonderful sponsors, every participant won a kit. We have given away sets interchangeable needles, a crochet hook set, over 100 knitting & crochet kits, and tickets to the Dust Devil game that night, and Seattle Mariners tickets. So prizes are always good!

Raffle tickets for other great prizes, $1, going to fund the Judith Wise Memorial Library. You do not have to participate in KIP Day to purchase or win raffle. Raffle drawing will be on June 24th after the TC Dust Devils Game. Game goers will get an entry for each group ticket purchase for the game through Sheep’s.

More details to come as we get started for this year!


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